Showtimevintage shops again!

I'm a hunter/gather of all things vintage. I guess you could say I'm OCD when it comes to collecting. There is never enough...there is always another thrift shop to explore, yard sale to check out, and oh, those vintage venues online! I'm very good at collecting, but haven't been so good at parting with any of the collection.

I have a wonderful shop full of vintage clothing, accessories, shoes, coats, and hats on It's called Showtimevintage because when I was younger and able, I was very involved with theatre, both educational and community. To me, a vintage dress is not only a lovely way to dress, but it takes me back to the days when I was costuming shows. I hope you will visit my shop and find something you simply MUST HAVE. I really need help finding homes for literally hundreds of vintie items.

Take a look at . Bookmark my blog. My goal is to get more proficient at blogging and showing you photos of my treasures.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Help, I can't stop buying vintage

I pretend I am buying so much vintage because I'm going to list it on etsy or Market Publique or God Forbid ...Ebay! The truth is I'm a hunter/gatherer and not a merchant. I haven't had success selling on any venue, so I just keep putting off listing anywhere. In the meantime, my collection has taken over my life. It's stuffed everywhere between two houses, the one I live in and the one I use as a warehouse. It's truly overwhelming.
I don't pay much for any of it, so that's my justification for "one more dress" to the point that I'm learning what it is like to be an addict. Thank goodness it's vintage clothing and nothing dangerous or deadly. I don't smoke, drink or do anything horrible. I collect old clothes. In fact, I think I could be considered a vintage clothing hoarder, since I don't do anything with it but hang it up and tell myself tomorrow I'm going to list. I can find a million excuses why I can't take photos. It's too dreary outside, I can't find my camera, I just don't have time. All lies. Does anyone know where it ends? Are my children going to be stuck with a million "old dresses"? Well, if they do, they will find an easier solution to dispose of them than I can. After all, Salvation Army picks up!

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